BCSSA Spring Forum 2018

Thanks to everyone for attending the BCSSA Spring Forum!
Download Dylan Wiliam's slides here.

Dylan Wiliam

Assessment and the Redesigned Curriculum
The British Columbia School Superintendents Association (BCSSA) is excited to host formative assessment expert Dylan Wiliam at our Spring Forum on Friday, April 6th at the Westin Bayshore, Vancouver. Join us for an interactive, thought-provoking session as Dylan sets the context and highlights the importance of prioritizing formative assessment. He will share techniques and strategies that are research-based, help create conditions for change, and work to improve student learning. This full day session is relevant for district and school-based leaders/administrators, teacher leaders, enrolling and non-enrolling teachers.



Conference fee: $325 + GST
The Spring Forum will take place on Friday, April 6th with breakfast and registration starting at 7:30am. The day will close at 2:30pm.


Westin Bayshore Vancouver
1601 Bayshore Drive
Vancouver, BC V6G 2V4
Phone: 604.682.3377
Toll free: 1.800.937.8461

New BCSSA Member Sessions

The New Member and Newly Appointed Superintendent sessions are held at the Westin Bayshore one day prior to the Spring Forum on April 5, 2018 from 8:30 am to 3:00 pm (includes breakfast and lunch).


Contact Us

BC School Superintendents Association
#208 - 1118 Homer Street
Vancouver BC V6B 6L5
Phone: (604) 687.0590


3 Swirls

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