BCSSA 2020 – 38th Annual General Meeting (AGM)

The BC School Superintendents Association Annual General Meeting (AGM) will take place Thursday November 5, at 5:30 pm via Zoom Video Conference.  As this meeting will be held online, it is necessary to include your full name (both Active and Associate Members) and have video turned on when you access the Zoom link found HERE

As per our current Bylaws, the meeting shall include the required business listed below.  Additionally, the Membership will be presented with a Special Resolution to amend language in the Bylaws to be more gender neutral and inclusive, as well as a few other housekeeping items.   Accordingly, please view the Notice of Special Resolution HERE , as well as the  BCSSA Bylaws with Proposed Changes HERE showing the proposed changes in language throughout.  We will vote to approve the proposed changes in wording however, only Active Members are permitted to vote at the AGM.  

You will receive notice of the names of nominated candidates for President and Vice-President on Monday October 26. Should there be a need for an election, an electronic voting process by secret ballot will be held prior to the AGM and you will be notified by email of the process.  There will be an AGM booklet published and sent electronically to all members closer to the November 5 date.

As per our current Bylaws, the following business is required to be conducted at each annual general meeting of the Association:

(a) the adoption of an agenda;

(b) the approval of the minutes of the previous annual general meeting and any extraordinary general meetings held since the previous annual general meeting;

(c) consideration of the financial statements and the report of the auditor thereon, if any;

(d) the election or appointment of Directors, as necessary;

(e) consideration of any Members’ proposals submitted in accordance with the Act; and

(f) such other business, if any, required by the Act or at law to be considered at an annual general meeting.

The annual general meeting may include other business as determined by the Board in its discretion.