Who We Are
The members of the BCSSA are the superintendents, assistant superintendents, directors of instruction and other senior executives of BC’s 60 school districts. Prior to their district-level appointments, our members served for many years as teachers and principals. They each hold a valid BC Teacher’s Certificate and bring highly-developed skills and a lifelong passion for teaching and learning to their district positions. BCSSA members are the province’s educational leaders, uniquely qualified to ensure the success of students and school district operations.
There are currently close to 400 BCSSA members, including some members who have been seconded to the Ministry of Education and Child Care. Additionally, there are more than 200 senior active (retired from school district) members who participate in association activities.
Many of our members serve in an advisory capacity on provincial, national and international committees, playing a vital role in setting new directions in education. The BCSSA also works with universities to pursue training and credentialing for current and future educational leaders.
As education evolves, as technology advances, and as we adapt to variations in the social and economic milieu, the BCSSA remains committed to leadership in providing equity and excellence in student learning, and leadership in developing competent, ethical and visionary leaders.
What We Do
The key work of the BC School Superintendents Association is to enable our members to be visionary leaders of public education by supporting their individual professional learning and by representing their collective wisdom and interests.
To support them in fulfilling their leadership roles, we create professional learning (ProL) events to address emerging issues, the changing needs of school district administrators and the development and effective use of advanced educational and administrative approaches and technologies. These events not only help our members enhance their leadership skills, but also present opportunities for them to network with colleagues throughout the province who share similar job responsibilities and interests.
BCSSA Organizational Purpose
We believe that a dynamic and successful public education system is fundamental to a democratic society. We believe that our public education system in Canada must provide our children and youth with an inspiring foundation for lifelong learning and citizenship. We believe that leaders in public education should work together, and with others, to ensure that we have the very best public education possible.
We are an association with a passion for creating environments that nurture learning and achievement. We inspire, develop and support leadership in public education in British Columbia.
- We provide a compelling leadership vision and a strategic and principled voice on issues affecting public education.
- We advocate strongly for high quality public education that supports the children and families we serve.
- We work strategically with others to strengthen public education and leadership.
- We create dynamic learning opportunities for leadership development.
What Matters Most
Students at the core of everything
Learning for all of our lives
Ethics guiding our decisions and actions
Caring it’s all about relationships
Collaboration working with our partners
Member Services
Membership provides various opportunities for professional growth and collegial networking through leadership seminars, annual conferences and workshops focusing on issues of the day and best practices.
A number of publications are available to members, including manuals for superintendents and discussion papers covering timely and important issues in education. Communication with colleagues is also optimized through the BCSSA Weekly Bulletins.
In addition, the BCSSA offers its members a range of professional and personal services including guidance with employment contracts. Please contact your Chapter Director or the BCSSA office staff at information@bcssa.org for further information.”
Contact Us
BC School Superintendents Association
#208 - 1118 Homer Street
Vancouver BC V6B 6L5
Phone: (604) 687.0590

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