No document that is intended to support a system can, nor should be created in isolation. The development of The Spirit of Leadership has been supported in many ways, and from many different parts of our province, including national and international partners.
To the original creators of the Dimensions of Practice, we are thankful for your work, which acted as our early guide to determine how we should proceed. To the Leadership Competency Advisory Committee, which has included membership from all parts of the province, we are grateful for your ongoing support, guidance, and communications over the nearly two years it took to create a final document. Members of the Leadership Competency Advisory Committee have included:
- Allen Beckingham
- Mike Bowden
- Allison Burt
- Vivian Collyer
- Kevin Godden
- Claire Guy
- Jill Jensen
- Kevin Kaardal
- Balan Moorthy
- Bev Rundell
- Jon Rever
- Karen Shipka
- Trish Smillie
- Laura Tait
- Jordan Tinney
The Advisory Committee has continually been supported by the BCSSA Indigenous Leaders Group. They have provided invaluable feedback and guidance throughout the duration of the project.
Members of the BCSSA Indigenous Leaders Group include:
- Mike Bowden
- Robert Clifton
- David Delorme
- Chas Desjarlais
- Jana Fox
- Roseanne Greene
- Irene Isaac
- Diane Jubinville
- Dave Lafontaine
- Shelley Niemi
- Mary Peter
- Charity Sakakibara
- Kathy Sawchuk
The creation of these competencies also has benefitted enormously from the insights, wisdom, guidance, and advice of several national and international partners. We wish to acknowledge the roles of Louise Stoll and Michael Fullan each of whom has provided an ongoing critical friend perspective and who have helped shape and guide this work in numerous ways.
David Burns from Kwantlen Polytechnic University began our journey with a literature review and has played a central role in the writing and editing of these competencies often hand in glove with several others listed here.
To Tony Mackay, Valerie Hannon, and IIsa Govan, we are thankful for your time and support as well as helping us spread the word to our chapters through the creation of video resources.
Finally, no work would be completed with out the support of the BCSSA and its Board of Directors. Originally commissioned by the Board in October of 2020, it is their vision and support which has seen the work through to completion.
Through the completion of these competencies, we have all bore witness to the central role that schools have played in the health of society. Never more has strong and inclusive leadership been more important. The BCSSA represents an enormous variety of leadership roles. From those who are just entering leadership at the district level to those who hold the position of superintendent the BCSSA seeks to develop, support, and inspire leadership at all levels. We hope that the Spirit of Leadership provides a path to your own leadership journey, and we also look forward to the next iteration of our ongoing leadership work.
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BC School Superintendents Association
#208 - 1118 Homer Street
Vancouver BC V6B 6L5
Phone: (604) 687.0590
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