Contextual Literacy

Contextual Literacy

System leaders must develop high levels of contextual literacy with respect both to external and internal systems. Internally, leaders need to be effective in their work with employee groups, the school board, the many overlapping service areas and departments, and the schools themselves. Externally, leaders need to be effective in their work with employee unions, provincial government, local government, other districts and educational organizations locally, nationally, and globally. In both cases, leaders need to speak the language of the systems with which they interact, understand how those systems work and change, and ensure the district’s priorities are supported through these complex interactions.

Indigenous Perspectives and Considerations

  • Honour the local Indigenous language, protocols and understandings in relation to a systems approach.
  • Reflect and respect local community, place, and history in communications. Communicate in ways that build relationships and understandings.
  • Use language that reflects Indigenous worldviews to de-colonize thinking, actions, and processes.

Stewardship for the Future of All Children
Fostering a Culture of Curiosity and Inquiry
Growing the Capacity of Self and Others
Contextual Literacy
Aligning Structures with Vision for Learning

Contact Us

BC School Superintendents Association
#208 - 1118 Homer Street
Vancouver BC V6B 6L5
Phone: (604) 687.0590

3 Swirls

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