The Spirit of Leadership in Action

Over the 2023-24 year, Jordan Tinney lead a three part series that served as a discussion within the Association around activation of the Spirit of Leadership within the context of the work we engage in as Senior Leaders.


Part I – Governance and Contextual Literacy

How do leaders come to understand and work with the numerous governance structures that surround you and influence your work? How do you take calculated risks designed to transform our systems that demand both compliance and innovation?

Click Here To Download

Part II – Leadership by Influence not Authority

How do leaders build, nurture and sustain relationships as foundational to advancing and rethinking our work and systems? From the importance of a co-constructed vision to building momentum and aligning values and beliefs that challenge and change our structures and practices.

Click Here To Download

Part III – Acceleration of Change through the Middle

Acceleration of change happens through relationships built on trust and transparency. How do leaders get “into the mess” of the work as part of the change, how do you explore together to support innovation and transformation? How do you both “have the backs” of those doing the heroic day to day work, yet retain high expectations on behalf of all children?

Click Here To Download

Stewardship for the Future of All Children
Fostering a Culture of Curiosity and Inquiry
Growing the Capacity of Self and Others
Contextual Literacy
Aligning Structures with Vision for Learning

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BC School Superintendents Association
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Vancouver BC V6B 6L5
Phone: (604) 687.0590

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